I'm having one of those months, where there is lots to do but not much is urgent. It's hard to prioritize. Right now I have about 30 things I could work on, about half of which are personal. None of the things on my plate is really urgent, although some will be if I don't get them done in the next few days or so. I find that working from I have a lot more to prioritize. If I don't have anything urgent for my clients, my mind wondering to the things I could/should be doing for the house. Sometimes the number of things I have to chose from is overwhelming.
I find that the longer I work from home (and the messier my desk is) the harder it is to chose what to do first, unless there is a fire to extinguish. If I worked in an office, there would be no question. Personal stuff would wait until personal time, but my work doesn't stick to business hours so I don't feel obligated to keep personal stuff out of business hours. All this wonderful flexibility makes it hard to decide who gets what and when.